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IOT Impact On Construction Industry



IOT Impact On Construction Industry

As shared by Sumatosoft, the Internet of Things is one of the most widely used technology nowadays. It has been part of our everyday life, and we’re slowly reaching the point where it’s starting to change how industries operate.

As they say, the possibilities are endless. You are basically connecting machines to a system, or to any site to the Internet. This would give you real-time information, act right away, and prevent any issues from happening.

The Four Significant Ways IOT Is Impacting Construction Technology.

  • Remote Operation and Supply Replenishment

Being able to connect machinery to the Internet, or with a wireless connection is definitely beneficial. This would allow you to give instructions remotely, which means you’ll be able to operate even in areas that would be dangerous for humans due to a number of factors.

There are various technologies, like wearables, that allow workers to access on-site instruction manuals in hands-free mode. Meaning to say, they will stay up-to-date no matter where they are.

  • Power and Fuel Savings

For equipment used by workers through the use of IoT, it’s now possible to send back information regarding the amount of electrical power being consumed. That means project managers can easily adjust the usage for energy saving purposes.

Machines with its technology are now capable of sending back information based on idling time, so that the on and off periods can easily be adjusted without affecting the projects because of restart time.

  • Easy Tracking of Almost Everything

Would you believe if we tell you that, even traffic barriers now come with tracking sensors? Well, you heard it right. Nowadays, it seems like almost everything are embedded with sensors, and in the construction industry, units of supply are properly labeled with RFID tags.

It’s a system on-site where it automatically counts these supplies. Wherein, when the count drops below the ideal amount, the system will automatically send requests from a central system that would notify it to order more. Furthermore, idle time goes down, and this gives the projects better chances of completing the project on time, without extra costs.

In situations where prices are also contained because the construction companies don’t need to buy more supplies, this would allow the team to be able to reduce unnecessary costs and ensure that the project would be completed in a timely manner.

Similarly, this would give you the idea where the equipment is, or the number of equipment available in the area. This would help in reducing the time, often lost look for misplaced items, as well as the cost related to purchasing this equipment.

Similarly, GPS data is also being used to monitor vehicle fleet locations closely. Through this, excavating and landscaping of equipment are done without any issues at all. This includes the use of a virtual map of the cutting, digging, and even terrain modifications made.

  • Connected Construction

The best way to describe IoT technology is that it connects everything. In simpler terms, IOT is comprised of real-world assets that relate to the Internet through various channels, such as WiFi, cellular, or Bluetooth networks that transmit utilization data which vary from one solution to another.

Environmental conditions could also play a role in this, and for that reason, IoT technology implementation is now considered to be one of the most significant innovations, especially in the construction industry.

One great example of this would be connecting a bulldozer to the Internet. This calls for installing a cellular router, or gateway that would integrate with the on-board engine computer and offer the details needed by the project managers. This would include accessories necessary, which will be available through the cloud.

Furthermore, these telematics devices are known for being reliable and affordable. For the past few years, it’s a solution that has developed from something simple, such as GPS location information to data streams on the engine for several hours, utilization, operator behavior, and many more.

The cloud-based application works great in providing easy access to such information aside from location and status data regarding this equipment on command.

Something like this works great in providing more than just a bird’s eye view of equipment and projects. This makes it possible to carry out trend analyses that offer predictable schedules and ensure timely maintenance.

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