Most information on ransomware attacks is mainly focused on U.S. and European organizations. We hardly see as much news on ransomware attacks in India, as only a few platforms report it. That is not to say that Indian companies or organizations are spared. India is among the top five most attacked countries globally and the third in Asia.
Recent statistics show India is the most impacted country regarding ransomware, with more than 200 weekly attacks on different software, including gaming ones. So, if you love casinos like the jhandi mundi game, you need to know what malware is and how to prevent it.
What Is Malware? – Simplifying it for Everyone
Malware is a broad term for malicious software created to infiltrate digital devices, systems, or networks. The primary intent is to steal data, disrupt business, steal money from online accounts or hijack systems to extort money from the owners.
A malware attack happens when someone uses different malware types to gain illegal access to a system, device, network, or other resources. The malware isn’t always noticed; it can be stealthy and function unseen in the background.
Also Read: How To Protect Your Identity from The Dark Web?
What Are the Different Forms of Malware?
Malware can be divided into various categories based on its uses, function, and programming. Some types of malware tend to revolve around the same designs, and many sophisticated cyber-attacks use multiple types of malware. Malware takes different forms, and some of them include:
A virus is a malware that attacks a system by using other programs hence its name. The virus is activated when the host file, application, or program is run. After activation, a virus can duplicate itself and spread through the computer. It is also engineered to transport itself to other computers or systems in the same network.
This form of malware is often disguised as a software application. The malware gets installed on a system when the software update is installed. Trojan horse malware can also create malware attacks, including ransomware and spyware.
Ransomware is malware engineered to encrypt devices, IT systems, and data banks and lock or steal their information. Then it demands a ransom in exchange for the decryption key. In some cases, they can steal the data to a server they control to use as they please.
There are other malware forms like rootkits, botnet malware, and cryptojacking malware – one of India’s most prevalent malware forms.
Security Tips to Prevent Malware Attacks
Now that we’ve gone through the specifics of malware and its forms, here are some ways you can prevent malware attacks.
Update your Operating System and Plugins
Always update your operating system and your plugins on your browsers as such updates are very important. New updates are released to not only improve applications but security levels. So never leave your system behind with old programs, as it will be easy for cybercriminals to pick apart their vulnerabilities.
Enable click-to-play plugins
One of the ways that malware can be transferred to a system is through malvertising or malicious ads. You don’t even have to click on such ads to be affected most times, and they can be on well-known sites.
click-to-play plugins keep the flash from running, except you tell them to by clicking on the play. A large pool of malvertising relies on using these plugins for contamination. You can turn on this feature in your browser settings to keep malware at bay.
Remove software or applications you don’t need
Develop the habit of deleting unneeded and unwanted software. Having such software around can easily attract malware because it becomes outdated and easily infiltrated. Take a look at every app on your system or device, and if there is any you can do away with, do not hesitate to remove them.
Look out for social engineering
Another easy method of getting malware is through social engineering by scammers. Whether it is a message that looks like it’s from family or an email from the bank, always keep an eye out for false messages bearing malware.
Install antivirus or anti-malware software
Antivirus and anti-malware can be useful for seeking and safeguarding your devices or networks against many old and new malware-related threats. It is clear to see the importance of anti-malware tools seeing that Kaspersky detects an average of 360,000 new malicious files every day.
However, it isn’t the most popular anti-malware tool in India. Norton antivirus takes that title. Other tools like Panda and Bitdefender are more common in the country.
Also Read: 5 Useful Network Security Tips for Small Business
Malware attacks continue to be prevalent in every part of the world. With society’s incline towards more digital acquisitions, the importance of anti-malware will only be more apparent. These tips are important when surfing any website or using apps, including betting websites and apps.
However, you will not have to worry about malware attacks when using Parimatch or downloading its app. Certain features are in place to ensure the site and app are protected from such attacks.